Busy life as a reincarnated Tibetan yogi,” a profile of Ngak’chang Rinpoche, was published on May 21st, 1992, in the Cardiff Western Mail, p. 12. It was subtitled “Matthew Chapman talks to the first Westerner to become a Buddhist Lama, Wales-based Ngakpa Chogyam Rinpoche.”

The article discusses Rinpoche’s personal history, his recognition as a tulku by Chhi’mèd Rig’dzin Rinpoche, and Vajra Romance.


A conversation about Barbie and Rambo is not exactly what you expect to have with one of Buddhism’s most respected teachers, Bangor-based Lama Ngakpa Chogyam Rinpoche. Yet Chogyam, who is recognized by his teacher as being the reincarnation of a Tibetan yogi, is not the spiritual recluse you might expect from one who is revered by so many people.
