All teachings by Ngak’chang Rinpoche

The Vajrayana Ethos of the Five Precepts
Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen For anyone who has been concerned by the revelations of abuse in the world of Vajrayana Buddhism, here is a text from our Lineage Lamas outlining the five precept guidelines by which they, and all the Aro gTér teachers, abide.
. . . and the art of ballistics
Ngak’chang Rinpoche ‘ . . . all you accomplish, is a preferable environment in which to find the empty moment in which …
Being Politic
‘ . . . one big diplomat’
Ngak’chang Rinpoche Chhi’mèd Rig’dzin Rinpoche once told me that I was ‘ . . . one big diplomat’. This was not a …
Children and Pemakö
Establishing Lhundrüp Tobgyé Ling
Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen Lhundrüp Tobgyé Ling is the shortened form of Nga’gyür Yoga’i Drüp-dé Lhundrüp Tobgyé Ling ‘Early-translation Yogic Meditation College where Strength is Gained Spontaneously’. It is a Ngak’phang Dratsang for children – a place where boys and girls from the Pemakö region can receive both a secular education and training which will prepare them—should it be their long-term desire—to become ordained ngakpas and ngakmas.
Defining heresy
Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen Heresy is not a popular word, in terms of criticising religious trends. It does not lend itself to the ‘feel …
Defining the word ‘sangha’
The two divisions of the sangha of ordained practitioners
Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen There are various definitions of gendün or sangha which give a sense of the position and authentic dignity of the …
tobacco - the demonic carcinogen with tacit government sanction
Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen We enthusiastically express our unending devotion to Kyabjé Düd’jom Rinpoche, Jig’drèl Yeshé Dorje—Mahasiddha and luminary gTértön of the 20th century. …
Embracing Emotions as the Path
Colours and Elements in Tantric Psychology
Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen Only through direct experience can we begin to perceive our world differently. Philosophical speculations and intellectual conjectures that are not …
Empowerment and the four kayas
Ngak’chang Rinpoche Ngak’chang Rinpoche recorded at the San Francisco Shambhala Center, March 2007. A 14-minute talk.
Empowerment & Transmission
Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen The fundamental damtsig is to sustain the experience of transmission through practice—and ultimately, in every moment.The Tibetan word for empowerment …

Enraged Buddhism
Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen “I’m an engaged Buddhist.” “Congratulations – when is the wedding day?”Buddhism has been engaged from the beginning. There has never …

vajra cynicism and vajra naïveté
Ngak’chang Rinpoche It is fashionable—in certain intellectual circles—to be cynical. It is fashionable amongst certain circles of cultic religious devotees, to be …
Fixing to Die Blues
A poetry commentary
Ngak’chang Rinpoche People have asked me—over the years—whether I would ever provide commentary on my poetry. I have usually answered that I …
From shi-nè into lha-tong
Ngak’chang Rinpoche
Goodbye Forever volume 1
Read by Ngakma Mé-tsal Wangmo
Ngak’chang Rinpoche A three-year-old boy has lucid dreams and visions - but no linear idea of what they mean. He tests his …
Goodbye Forever volume 2
Read by Ngakma Mé-tsal Wangmo
Ngak’chang Rinpoche The story of an artist, poet, and Bluesman1971. At the age of 19 Ngakpa Chögyam returns from his first …

Guru Viking interviews: Ep8
Ngak’chang Rinpoche An interview with Ngak'chang Rinpoche about his book Wisdom EccentricsMore Guru Viking interviews of Aro gTér lamas

Heaven and Hell
February 1998 apprentices’ questions, answered by Ngak’chang Rinpoche
Ngak’chang Rinpoche Q Rinpoche, I’ve seen a pattern in myself, where I dampen my own enthusiasm so I won’t be disappointed. I …
Interviews of Aro gTér lamas
From Steve James' Guru Viking podcast
Ngak’chang Rinpoche, Khandro Déchen, Mé-tsal Wangmo, Ja'gyür Dorje, Sang-gyé A-tsal & Tsül'dzin Ying-chuk Ep8: Ngakpa ChögyamIn this interview I am joined by Ngakpa Chögyam a blues loving, horse riding Ngakpa, who with …

Introduction to Khandro-Pawo Nyida Mélong Gyüd
Ngak’chang Rinpoche This is a brief contextual introduction to the Nyida Mélong teachings on vajra romance.The recording also includes one of a …

The Personal Police State
Ngak’chang Rinpoche The inconsequential eccentric yogi sNgags pa chos dByings rGya mTsho utterly acknowledges his endless joyful appreciation of his Lamas – …
the power of the awakened mind warrior
Ngak’chang Rinpoche I would like to explore something with you this evening that is so close to my heart that I do …
Kindness & Compassion
Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen interviewed by Naljorma Jig’mèd Khyungtsal PamoQuestioner Ngak’chang Rinpoche, Khandro Déchen, how can one work with oneself when one finds …

Living the View
"We are form and emptiness—emptiness and form."
Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen Our advice is to deliberately name everything which moves you to smiles, laughter, or tears as Padmasambhava or Yeshé Tsogyel—because …
Mature and immature tolerance
Part 1 of an interview with the lineage holders by Lama Shardröl, 31 December 1997.
Ngak’chang Rinpoche, Khandro Déchen & Shardröl Du-nyam Wangmo This is the first half of an interview originally published in Vision magazine in 1998 (issue 11). The second half, …
Owl precepts Q&A part 1 - killing
Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen Question Rinpoche—in terms of the precept of avoiding killing—what is meant by ‘Tantrikas extend themselves to others . . . …
Owl precepts Q&A part 2 - stealing
Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen Question I think a lot of us have been concerned about exploitation and not wanting to be part of exploitation …
Owl precepts Q&A part 3 - adulteration
Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen Question This is usually spoken of as sexual misconduct isn’t it?Ngak’chang Rinpoche Usually.
Q And so I have always wondered exactly …

Owl precepts Q&A part 4 - falsehood
Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen Question Rinpoche, in terms of avoiding contentious speech . . . how does debate function in a Buddhist school where …