from a lineage of realised women beginning with Yeshé Tsogyel
Here there are written essays and teachings, transcribed talks, question-and-answer sessions, and audio or video interviews with lineage lamas, covering many aspects of Buddhist teachings.
There are also several series of teachings:
All the teachings contained on the site are available below.

The Vajrayana Ethos of the Five Precepts
Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen For anyone who has been concerned by the revelations of abuse in the world of Vajrayana Buddhism, here is a text from our Lineage Lamas outlining the five precept guidelines by which they, and all the Aro gTér teachers, abide.
Buddha Nature
By Kyabjé Dilgo Khyentsé Rinpoche
Sem-nyid né sang-gyé-pa’i rang-zhin (sems nyid ye nas sangs rGyas pa’i rang bZhin)Whilst oscillating between anticipation and doubt – …

Building a Monumental Phurba at Drala Jong
Vajrayana Buddhism is a vast system of methods that facilitate the discovery of one’s natural state. This natural state is …
Chant & Yogic Song
a teaching given in March 2000
Nor’dzin Pamo Dön-pa (’don pa) in Tibetan means chant or liturgical recitation – the repetition of texts and practices. This can be …
Defining the word ‘sangha’
The two divisions of the sangha of ordained practitioners
Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen There are various definitions of gendün or sangha which give a sense of the position and authentic dignity of the …
Nor’dzin Pamo I first came across the little booklet ‘Fifty Verses of Guru Devotion’ in about 1983 or 1984. At that time …
Ngak’chang Rinpoche Stories from the lives of Lineage Lamas, as told to Ngak'chang Rinpoche by Künzang Dorje Rinpoche.
E-mailing the Lamas from Afar
Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen Aro gTér lamas reply to the e-mail questions of their students, questions which concern the full range of the students' …
Embracing Emotions as the Path
Colours and Elements in Tantric Psychology
Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen Only through direct experience can we begin to perceive our world differently. Philosophical speculations and intellectual conjectures that are not …
Empowerment and the four kayas
Ngak’chang Rinpoche Ngak’chang Rinpoche recorded at the San Francisco Shambhala Center, March 2007. A 14-minute talk.
Empowerment & Transmission
Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen The fundamental damtsig is to sustain the experience of transmission through practice—and ultimately, in every moment.The Tibetan word for empowerment …

Form, emptiness, and non-duality
Form, emptiness, and nonduality are the most important terms in the Buddhist ‘view’. View is the experiential analysis reality. View …
Friendship as a reflection of our enlightened qualities
Nor’dzin Pamo Ngakma Nor'dzin Pamo recorded at the Wales Interfaith Conference, 2018 speaks about friendship from a Buddhist perspective. A 17-minute presentation …
From shi-nè into lha-tong
Ngak’chang Rinpoche
Guru Viking interviews: Ep8
Ngak’chang Rinpoche An interview with Ngak'chang Rinpoche about his book Wisdom EccentricsMore Guru Viking interviews of Aro gTér lamas

Introduction to Khandro-Pawo Nyida Mélong Gyüd
Ngak’chang Rinpoche This is a brief contextual introduction to the Nyida Mélong teachings on vajra romance.The recording also includes one of a …

Introduction to Shi-né (in German)
Déwang Pamo Shi-né is the most basic meditation technique taught in the Aro gTér. The Tibetan word Shi-né means “peaceful abiding”.In this …

The Personal Police State
Ngak’chang Rinpoche The inconsequential eccentric yogi sNgags pa chos dByings rGya mTsho utterly acknowledges his endless joyful appreciation of his Lamas – …
Kindness & Compassion
Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen interviewed by Naljorma Jig’mèd Khyungtsal PamoQuestioner Ngak’chang Rinpoche, Khandro Déchen, how can one work with oneself when one finds …

Lama’i Naljor
Interview with Ngak'chang Rinpoche
Questioner: Rinpoche, what is Lama’i Naljor, and what is the essential purpose of practicing it?Ngak’chang Rinpoche: Lama’i Naljor (Guru yoga …

Living the View
"We are form and emptiness—emptiness and form."
Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen Our advice is to deliberately name everything which moves you to smiles, laughter, or tears as Padmasambhava or Yeshé Tsogyel—because …
Mature and immature tolerance
Part 1 of an interview with the lineage holders by Lama Shardröl, 31 December 1997.
Ngak’chang Rinpoche, Khandro Déchen & Shardröl Du-nyam Wangmo This is the first half of an interview originally published in Vision magazine in 1998 (issue 11). The second half, …
Precious Guru – Journey into the wild heart of the second Buddha.
Ngak'chang Rinpoche is featured amongst contemporary Buddhist teachers in the opening sequence of a film in the making by Triptych …
Q&A - Dzogchen long-dé
psycho-physical sKu-mNyé exercises
Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen Dzogchen means ‘utter totality’, and refers to the natural liberated condition of the individual. This state of innate enlightenment is …
Q&A - Nyams in Dzogchen
Ngak’chang Rinpoche Dzogchen regards certain nyams as opportunities to recognise rigpa. This transcript (excerpted from Vision issue 11, Autumn 1998) discusses several …
Q&A - The Bristol Talks
Vajrayana and yidam practice
Ngak’chang Rinpoche Questioner Rinpoche, Vajrayana Buddhism is highly complex and intellectual – is there an approach for people who don’t have academic …
Nor’dzin Pamo For many of us Refuge is a ceremony we take part in when we first become a Buddhist. We are …
Samsara, suffering, and suspicion
The path to endless enjoyment
Ngak’chang Rinpoche Ngak’chang Rinpoche recorded at the San Francisco Shambhala Center, March 2006. An 18-minute overview of Sutrayana from point of view …
Sera Khandro and Vajra Romance
By David Chapman
Jetsünma Sera Khandro Rinpoche (1892-1940) achieved Buddhahood, together with her consort Kyabjé Drimé Özer Rinpoche, through their practice of vajra …