Class with Shé-zér Khandro

A 4 week course introducing meditation and learning how that will help us to be present and aware in every moment.

Whether you are new to meditation or in need of a refresher this course is ideal for those who want to make meditation a part of their lives. Ngakma She-zer has over 30 years experience in meditation and can help guide attendees through the initial stages of meditation helping to combat some of the difficulties that people may encounter.

What have we lost when we’re lost in thought?

We spend most of our time thinking rather than experiencing, and this thinking is usually past or future orientated. We are either re-living the past – negatively or nostalgically, or we are projecting into the future – with anxiety or fantasy. If we do manage to be in the present, then our thoughts are either providing us with a running commentary or passing judgement on the moment. This lack of presence and awareness means that we miss most of what life has to offer – the raw texture of experience as it is.

How exciting and refreshing would it be to see, hear and feel the world without our habitual thought patterns and reactions getting in the way? To find ourselves alive, awake and crackling with creative energy in every moment? Learning to focus on the here and now by using the practice of meditation can lead to clarity and calm.

Monday evening 7-8.30

Sept 30th, 7th October, 21st October, 28th October (please note no session on 14th)


Sun Sept. 29, 2024
Sun Oct. 6, 2024
Sun Oct. 20, 2024
Mon Oct. 28, 2024



Lam Rim Buddhist Centre

Pentwyn Manor, Penrhos

NP15 2LE

Raglan, Monmouthshire, UK

Contact details


This event will be taught in the following languages:

  • English