Ngakma Shé-zér and Ngakpa Namgyal met in the Cardiff University Religious Studies department in the early 1990s. They shared a passion for Eastern Religion, Philosophy, and early Celtic studies – and soon discovered the local Nyingma Lamas Ngak’chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen. They attended teachings regularly and realised immediately that the Nyingma Tradition was their spiritual home.

After graduating, Shé-zér engaged in teacher training, and later studied horticulture at Pershore College, before running a gardening business. Namgyal engaged in research into ‘Perceptions of the Rôle of the Tantric Teacher in the West’, and later completed an MBA at Cardiff Business School in support of his career as a steel works manager.

In 1993 Ngakma Shé-zér & Ngakpa Namgyal took refuge and bodhisattva vows in a private ceremony with their Lamas in Cardiff, Wales. In January 2000 in Baarlo, Netherlands—having completed the necessary retreats and Vajrayana examinations—they were ordained into the gö kar chang lo’i dé (gos dKar lCang lo’i sDe) becoming the youngest ngakpa and ngakma to take their Tantric vows.

In 2003 Shé-zér discovered two ancient phurbas during a pilgrimage to Bodha in the Kathmandu valley of Nepal. These were authenticated for practise by the Dzogchen masters Kyabjé Künzang Dorje Rinpoche and Jomo Sam’phel Déchen, during the pilgrimage, and were identified as having been created by A-Kyong Düd’dül Dorje – a phurba master from Golok in early 20th century Tibet. Since their wedding in 2002 they hoped for a child, and during a pilgrimage in late 2004 Kyabjé Künzang Dorje Rinpoche gave them blessing, indicating they would “ . . . have a son, very soon.” Their son Tomas – Chhi’med Chatral Dorje – was born in 2007.

In 2010—after intensive personal studies, empowerments, and retreats—Ngakma Shé-zér and Ngakpa Namgyal were authorised and empowered to take personal students by their Root Teachers Ngak’chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen (Lineage Holders of the Aro gTér – and ultimate teachers of all the Lamas and students of the Aro Tradition).

Ngakma Shé-zér specialises in the orchestration of energetic circumstances through Namkha: the Sky Weaving of Ögyen Rig-nga, and the Wrathful Sky Weaving of the five Lion-headed Dakinis. Together, Ngakma Shé-zér and Ngakpa Namgyal teach the Skies of Vajra Romance Sky Weaving. This is a practice for loving couples which engenders and nurtures beneficial circumstances within the context of romantic relationship.

Ngakpa Namgyal specialises in the song of Wrathful Black Manjushri (the energetic symbol of active insight and pragmatic knowledge) and activity mantras associated with the practise of ngak-ru (mantra horn). These practises address human circumstances through the symbolism of sound and vision.

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