There are a wide variety of meditation training resources, including written material, audio recordings, group teaching (classes and retreats), and individualised one-to-one instruction available within the Aro gTér lineage.

  • A free online course - weekly emails that introduce meditation techniques and provide answers to the obstacles that most meditators encounter at one time or another.
  • In person events with Aro gTér teachers
  • Audio meditation instruction, including talks, guided meditations, and question-and-answer sessions.
  • Recommended books on meditation. None of these books are primarily manuals of technique. Rather, they explore the profound implications of meditation for one’s life as a whole.

The Aro gTér Mentorship programme provides individualised, one-to-one instruction from an expert mentor with many years of intensive meditation training. The rôle of a mentor is rather like that of a piano teacher or ski instructor. You can learn the piano, to ski or to meditate working alone from books and instructional videos. You might even become expert that way – but few succeed in isolation.

You will make more rapid progress with an advisor who:

  • answers your questions
  • helps diagnose problems and suggest solutions
  • helps you decide when you have enough experience with a particular technique to move forward, and can suggest possible next steps
  • provides encouragement when you feel stuck
  • may occasionally suggest that you go just slightly deeper into practice than you had been expecting.