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Apprentice and public retreats
Retreat with Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen.New York/New Jersey In-person only
In this 16-minute talk, Ngakma Nor’dzin Pamo introduces shi-nè, the first and most fundamental meditation method taught in the Aro gTér. Shi-nè calms the wildness of thoughts and feelings and thereby allows you to see clearly the working of your mind. It teaches you to recognise counter-productive habitual patterns of thought and to let go of them.
In this four-minute talk, Ngak’chang Rinpoche provides an abstract overview of the four naljors, a key series of meditation practices taught in Aro. They are shi-nè, lhatong, nyi-mèd, and lhündrüp. Rinpoche explains them in terms of emptiness, form, and non-duality, as expressed in the Heart Sutra.
Mantras in the Aro gTér are often sung. You can hear some examples below. Our article on yogic song explains how and why sung mantras are used in meditation. It includes the words and meanings of these and other mantras.
New York/New Jersey In-person only
UK In-person only
UK Online only Apprentices only
‘ . . . one big diplomat’
The Illustrated History of Aro gTér Lineage