Ceremony with Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen
UK Online only
21st May 2021 7 - 9pm Greenwich Mean Time in Khandro Dechen's zoom meeting room
Showing 10 occurrences. Show all occurrences.
UK Online only
Wales, UK
This event will be taught in the following languages:
- English
Other forthcoming events with Ngak’chang Rinpoche or Khandro Déchen:

US Visit
Apprentice and public retreats
Retreat with Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen.New York/New Jersey In-person only

Lo gSar Retreat
Teaching with Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen.UK Drala Jong In-person only Apprentices only

Teaching with Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen.UK Online only Apprentices only
Pages by Ngak’chang Rinpoche or Khandro Déchen:

Vajrayana Buddhism in the West


Wisdom Eccentrics
Read by Ngakma Mé-tsal Wangmo
Books by Ngak’chang Rinpoche or Khandro Déchen:

Wearing the Body of Visions

Wisdom Eccentrics
rumours of realisation as told by Künzang Dorje Rinpoche with additional tales of the unexpected