Storm Arwen – Fundraising goal has been reached
5 March 2022
Our appeal target of £36,000 has been reached!
On 3rd March, the first day of Lo-gSar, the year of the Water Tiger, the treasurer of Sang-ngak-chō-dzong confirmed the figures and that we had indeed reached our goal.
The appeal began at Christmas time and thanks to your generous donations, those of our match funder, and the Lo-gSar teaching event, a momentum of contributions poured in from our many friends and supporters around the world, the final figure of just over £36,000 came in from various streams, not all via our Totalgiving appeal.
Thank you everyone, whether you donated to the appeal, shared our appeal, or sent us good will and good wishes, we are very grateful.

At Drala Jong spring is underway, and with it, new shoots have appeared in the large woodland area that bore the brunt of Storm Arwen’s impact. Careful plans are being made for tree planting in the area, focusing on species that are indigenous to the area and that will be hardy and able to withstand the weathers that lie ahead.
Our fundraising efforts mean that we are able to continue with our activities, and to look forward towards developing Drala Jong as a retreat centre.

20 January 2022
Forthcoming events:

US Visit
Apprentice and public retreats
Retreat with Ngak’chang Rinpoche & Khandro Déchen.New York/New Jersey In-person only

Online Webinar QA
Seminar with Shardröl Du-nyam Wangmo.New York/New Jersey Online only

Wednesday meditation
Meditation group with Rang'bar Pa'wo.UK In-person only
More pages:

tob – sTobs – power

Sutra, Tantra, and Dzogchen
An audio teaching on the three yanas

Sweet & sour orthodoxy
Part 2 of an interview with the lineage holders by Lama Shardröl, 31 December 1997.