All teachings by Nor’dzin Pamo

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Publications by Aro gTer lamas
Nor’dzin Pamo & ’ö-Dzin Tridral Aro Books worldwide seeks to make teachings available to the broadest possible audience via: hard copy or download; books; journals; magazines; audio; and in visual format.
Chant & Yogic Song
a teaching given in March 2000
Nor’dzin Pamo Dön-pa (’don pa) in Tibetan means chant or liturgical recitation – the repetition of texts and practices. This can be …
Nor’dzin Pamo I first came across the little booklet ‘Fifty Verses of Guru Devotion’ in about 1983 or 1984. At that time …
Friendship as a reflection of our enlightened qualities
Nor’dzin Pamo Ngakma Nor'dzin Pamo recorded at the Wales Interfaith Conference, 2018 speaks about friendship from a Buddhist perspective. A 17-minute presentation …